All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga Your Fearless
Lotus Feet Subhavirbhav
Tithite Diner Artti A
Vyasa-puja offering in
glorification of Om Visnupad Paramahamsa Parivrajak-Acharyya-Astottara
Sata Sri Srimad Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
![]() tava nijajana nana upacare dura dura hate bhetite tomare vyakuli chutia ase (1) They come from such faraway lands Bearing gifts of worship in their outstretched hands, Fervently they hasten—your kinsmen in bands To greet you on this Your Holy Birthday. pulakita tanu ankhi chala chala bhava gadagada prema-vihvala apana dhanya base (2) At Your Fearless Lotus Feet they happily rejoice With streaming eyes and stuttering voice, Horripilating body and a love that’s choice --considering themselves most fortunate. nahi mora kona puja-upacara ye kichu va ache pankila chara tomara yogya naya (3) O most Magnanimous Master, gracefully forgiving On this Holy Day to offer I have practically nothing What little I have is sullied and trifling, Not worthy of offering to thee. asraya magi tava pada mule na pasari yena toma kona kale dao more varabhaya (4) Burning in repentance for my one time thoughtlessness, Your feet’s shelter I beg in all repentance May I not ever lose you from inadvertence, Please grant only fearlessness to me. labhiachi sukha-duhkha helaya punya-papera nagar dulaya janama-marana-mala (5) Having lost myself in maya’s delusion I’ve found only flickering pleasure and convulsion On the giant wheel of virtue and indiscretion— and a garland of cradles and sepulchers. dure theliachi paramartha-dhana svarga-martt kari alodana peyechi dahana jvala (6) Absorbed in a great purposeless search Away I have pushed the true wealth of this birth, And tossed between heaven and earth, I’ve gotten only a burning fever.
lelihan sikha alodi sunda kariya vyadana visala tunda grasivare caya more (7) An abysmal hellfire ignites all around Projecting its snout while flames leap and bound, Expanding a huge cavernous mouth --intending to devour me.
mahatrase prana iti uti dhaya klanta haiya avara ghumaya maha maya moha-ghore (8) World engulfing and world scorching flames Cause me to run hither and thither in torment And wearied I drop into a slumbering suspense in Mahamaya’s dense trickery.
sadaripuvase matta víbhora kama-krodha ari theliteche ghora marana sindhu-tire (9) This great sinner, this fallen outcaste Infatuated by the six enemies is aghast As lust and greed propel him fast --to the shore of the ocean of death.
mayamrga avasa amara
dhara dhara prabhu apana svabhave
tava pada pai nahi sakti hena tumi krpa kari katiya apana sri carane deha sthana (12) Maya’s bonds I cannot break Your Lotus Foot Dust for to take Do sever these bonds and forever make Your Holy Lotus Feet my serving place. kata dina hina asraya paya e adhama bhuli mohini mayaya pheliche dirgha svasa (13) Many a helpless wretch has found Shade and shelter ‘neath your ground But this fallen soul by Maya bound --can only heave long sighs.
kata dina hine tarile apani vancita sudhu divasa yamini ei naganya dasa (14) The Nectar Ganges Name you brought Saved many helpless souls distraught And yet this worthless slave is caught --deceived by day and night. ![]() miche vala mora ‘atma samarpan’ amara valite nahi kona dhana apana kariya patita pavana grahana karaha more (15) My self-surrender is just a farce To call my own, my wealth is sparse O Redeemer Lord! Do make me yours And call me your very own. hau prabhu mora jivane gati vandhiya palah``1a seva diya niti sakaruna krpa-dore (16) Your Lotus Feet I humbly entreat May Forever be my Object Sweet Lord, bind and nourish me with daily service And the rope of your kind compassion. ![]() |